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Tips: How To Pack For Travel

How To Pack For Travel Holidays

How To Pack Things Into Your Luggage

What ever type of luggage you are taking on your hols we have some useful tips. If you have any tips for packing or anything else send them to us!

Hand Luggage:

Pack your valuables and those things which you will need immediately in your hand luggage. And be prepared for the worst (loss of luggage, delayed flight etc..). Carry a photo of your suitcase so it`s easy to identify. Carry spare underwear, toothpaste/brush and spare clothing in case of long flight delays. Keep your medications and any important papers in your hand luggage, not in your luggage that you check through. That way if your luggage gets lost you still have your medication and papers

Garment Bag:
Pack items which wrinkle easily into a garment bag so you don’t have to be concerned about proper folding. The garment bag puts only a single, forgiving fold in the middle and allows you to soften even that fold by hanging the bag on the plane. Put the hanging items which wrinkle easiest into the garment bag first so that they will be farthest away from the bend of the bag. To fit more in, layer several items of clothing on the same hanger. Buy a garment bag that has pockets on so you can store toiletries and shoes.

Leave your name and address in your suitcase, just in case of loss. Try rolling two or three items of the same type together. Three pairs of trousers, for example, rolled together will be little more than the size of one paired rolled solo. The room you save will be amazing. Small, sturdy, combination locks are best for quick access to your luggage. Keys get lost; a simple combination number that you set is quick and easy. Wrap fragile items inside socks and put them in the center of the case, protected by clothing on all sides. Place your toiletries (shampoo, lotions, liquid soaps, etc) in a ziplock bag before putting in your suitcase. This will protect your clothes and electrical items in the event of a bottle opening up!

When packing for a trip, especially backpacking, not only roll your clothes quite tightly, but keep them rolled up with an elastic band. When you are packing things into a backpack, place the lighter items at the bottom and the heavier ones on top. Your bag will feel lighter this way. Also, remember to place the important things on top.

When packing cosmetics and other toiletries, forget the make-up case. Put them in a ziplock bag instead. It saves on space, weight, and protects your clothes from accidental spills. When packing your necklaces, place each one in a straw, by threading one end of the necklace through, and clasping it closed. This prevents the necklace from tangling up.

How To Pack The Bare Minimum Of Clothes

When traveling you don`t want to spend most of the time unpacking and packing clothes. Don`t go over board with the amount you take follow our list and you will take every thing you need without taking to much.

Plan to wash your clothes. You don’t have to take underwear for the number of days you are going away. You can have most hotels and resorts clean your clothes during the day or overnight, or, if you’re concerned about the expense, you can do it yourself.

Choose only those clothes which are absolutely necessary. When you pack each item, ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” Don`t take three dresses if you will only be going out once.

Choose those clothes which can serve double duty. For example, your suit trousers should be able to double as slacks (which usually means they shouldn’t be pinstriped or dark blue). Summer dresses can be worn day and night time. Take shoes that can be worn either day or night.

Use small, lightweight accessories for variety. Differently patterned and colored belts, stockings, scarves, jewelry and hair bands, can make the same basic outfit look radically different each day if those items are the primary source of color.

Choose items of clothing which can be worn more than once without washing. This means clothes of medium dark tones, which don’t show the dirt as much as blacks. To the extent you can wear items more than once without washing, you will need less backup clothing while your other clothes are being washed.

Where are you going? Pick clothes that will fit in with your destination. If you are going to a sunny climate, all clothes should be light, bikini`s, shorts, etc.. Which means you can take more. For a colder climate, your clothes will be heavier, jumpers, thick trousers etc.. You will need to take less but you will be able to wear them more then once